The metro-Atlanta A/C repair specialists at Gagne Heating & Air share the pros and cons of smart thermostats
Smart thermostats have a lot of appeal, especially for those of us who love to try the newest technology and are enamored by the idea of a home that more closely resembles something from The Jetsons.
The allure of a smart thermostat can end, though, at the price tag. Ranging from 250 to 500 dollars, smart thermostats are quite an investment compared to the regular, cheaper thermostats you can buy at just about any home improvement store. You may be left wondering if your zeal for the newest smart phone-enabled technology is a valuable investment or just another gadget splurge.
Here, our A/C repair experts at Gagne Heating & Air will help you decide if a smart thermostat is for you.
Are You Conscious of Your Energy Use?
Yes: If you answered yes to this question, then it’s quite likely that you already have a programmable thermostat in your home, a device which can add up to significant savings on your energy bill each year if used correctly. If you’re good about using your programmable thermostat then you may not notice any more significant savings from using a smart thermostat. You might be able to get your energy use down a little more, but the savings may not feel significant enough to make the hundreds of dollars investment.
No: If you aren’t an energy conscious person, if you leave your heat or air running on the same temperature for days at a time, or if you don’t even know what a programmable thermostat is, then a smart thermostat could revolutionize how much energy (and money) you spend on heating and cooling your home.
Many smart thermostats learn your patterns: how warm or cold you like a room and when you wake up and go to bed. They also learn when you’re away from home so that when you’re gone, your heat pump isn’t working. This reduction in your heat and air use can save you lots of dollars. Of course, if you bought a programmable thermostat and spent some time learning how to use it properly, you could also control the comfort of your home fairly well, without the hefty price tag.
Do You Love Efficiency?
If you’re the kind of person who loves to make your life more efficient, then a smart thermostat might really tickle your fancy. With many of these systems, you can view real time data of your energy use, regardless of if you’re home or away. You’ll love the fact that many of these thermostats can control humidity as well as temperature, and that some use a Wi-Fi connection to collect information from your local weather to better understand your heating and cooling needs.
Furthermore, some of these systems can alert you when your system needs a filter change or routine maintenance. Of course, our Gagne Comfort Club can also help you ensure your equipment is well taken care of without the concern.
Do You Have Central Heat and Air?
You might be able to justify the price of a smart thermostat if you have both central heat and air so that you’re using its smart capabilities year round. If, however, you only have central heat, you might have a harder time making the investment knowing that you would only be using the thermostat during the fairly short heating season here in Atlanta and surrounding communities.
In short, smart thermostats are a great, hassle-free option for people who just don’t want to put the effort into lowering their energy consumption or who have bad HVAC habits.
They’re also wonderful for those who love monitoring systems and just can’t help but immerse themselves into the newest technology. For prudent customers who are good at using their programmable thermostat and aren’t wooed by smart technologies, there’s no need to change.
At Alpharetta’s Gagne Heating and Air, we’re here to help with all of your HVAC needs, including the installation of your new smart thermostat. Call us today for installation, service, and repairs, or continue browsing our blog and All About A/C knowledge center to learn more.