Living with the sweltering Georgia heat and heavy humidity in the late spring and summer months requires a few essentials:
- Access to a swimming pool
- A well air-conditioned home
As uncomfortable as it can feel outside, though, spending a lot of time inside with all the windows shut and the AC blasting can cause just as much suffering if you have poor indoor air quality.
Sniffling, sneezing, wheezing, itchy eyes and skin – all of these symptoms could be a result of unclean air. Your ventilation system works hard to keep you cool, but it also could be circulating millions of allergens that are harming your health.
At Gagne Heating & Air Conditioning, we’re experts in air quality, and we want nothing more than to help residents of the Greater Atlanta Area breathe easier in their homes this spring and summer. Here are a few of our suggested remedies for your air quality issues.
Consider a Dehumidifier
Too much moisture in a home can cause mold to build up, and with the level of humidity we experience in the South, it’s almost a guarantee you’re dealing with excess moisture. Dehumidifiers are a simple way to extract that moisture from the air. You can purchase a smaller unit for one room or a couple of rooms or consider installing a whole-house dehumidifier.
Dust and Vacuum Regularly
Yes, we know cleaning is a chore, and no one wants to do it unless they absolutely have to. But even though your floors might look OK, or there’s no visible layer of grime covering your furniture, unless you regularly vacuum and dust, chances are there are dust mites collecting everywhere in your home.
If you have pets, this is especially important. It’s easy to get used to a little dog or cat hair here and there, but breathing in pet dander can really do a number on the allergy-prone people in your house.
Take Off Your Shoes
Shoes track in plenty of allergy-inducing particles from the outdoors, especially pollen, and one way to combat that is to place a mat at your front door and make sure everyone who enters wipes and leaves his or her shoes there. Look for an antimicrobial doormat that’s designed to remove all those nasty allergens.
Schedule HVAC Maintenance
You know how to clean your home, but cleaning your air conditioning unit and ductwork should be left to the professionals. Spring is the perfect time to give the AC experts at Gagne Heating & Air Conditioning a call and schedule a tune-up, so you can enjoy fresh, clean, dust-free air while you’re hiding from the heat in your home this summer. Contact us today to set up an appointment!