3 New Year’s Resolutions for Your HVAC System

residential air conditioning experts changing AC filter

If you’re a fan of New Year’s resolutions, you probably think that they should be focused on developing your habits to create a happier, healthier lifestyle. This is a great goal, but that doesn’t mean you need to stop there; any air conditioning contractor in Atlanta, GA, can tell you that homeowners would benefit immensely from creating resolutions for their HVAC systems.

Very few homeowners give their HVAC systems a second thought until there’s an issue they need to resolve. Here are some resolutions you can make to help your HVAC system remain healthy (and save you a few dollars while you’re at it).

Get Your System Inspected

Your HVAC system, like any complex piece of machinery, has varied needs that can arise throughout the year. Any unit that has many moving parts will break down at some point as one system or another gets disrupted. That’s why inspections are so essential to your HVAC’s overall health.

Having a professional inspection will allow you to better understand what could go wrong and prevent small issues from becoming severe repairs. An experienced HVAC technician will be able to identify what can be fixed now to prevent larger bills later.

Install a Smart Thermostat

While installing a smart thermostat may not be directly related to your HVAC system’s maintenance or repair, it’s still a resolution worth making because a smart thermostat can save you money on heating and cooling costs over time. There are a wide variety of models that can be installed to manage your home’s HVAC system, making it possible to keep a constant, comfortable temperature without spending a fortune.

Depending on the model you have, it’s possible to program the smart thermostat, so it automatically adjusts the temperature by five or ten degrees to account for times when you’re out of the house and don’t need the temperature to be too high or low. Some models even offer remote control, which would enable you to adopt an even more personalized approach to managing your HVAC system.

Create a Maintenance Plan

Any good tool only lasts as long as it’s well-maintained, and that’s no different from your HVAC system. With the new year just beginning, make a plan to ensure that your HVAC system is regularly inspected, that the air filter gets changed as often as necessary, and that you take the steps you need to to keep the system from breaking down during the hottest days of summer or the depths of winter.

To find out more about what resolutions you should make for your HVAC system, or schedule a consultation with a heating contractor in Atlanta, GA, call the Gagne team today!